Iris Propulsion Module
ExoTerra’s revolutionary bolt-on Solar Electric Propulsion Module, Iris, offers best-in-class propulsion performance in a packaged solution. Rideshare small spacecraft no longer have to settle for sub-optimal orbits or short duration missions. Iris offers the ability to optimize the mission orbit by adjusting inclination or orbit altitude after a rideshare drop-off, reduces life cycle cost by extending mission lifetime up to 5 years, enables end of life deorbiting, or performs large orbit insertions.
Iris is already designed for LEO constellation spacecraft. It can mount inside a standard 24” Lightband and the total height is less than 30 cm. Electronics are radiation tolerant to 30 kRad TID and can operate at low sub-kilowatt levels. Adding to operational flexibility, Iris can beoperatedusing xenon or krypton as propellant.

Download the IRIS Spec Sheet

Propulsion Kit
ExoTerra supplies more than just Hall-effect thrusters. Our team has the expertise required to deliver a complete propulsion solution consisting of the thruster, a Power Processing Unit and a Propellant Flow Control system as separate components.
This propulsion kit gives the customer design freedom, allowing each component to be optimally packaged. Inputs into the propulsion system are simply power, serial communications, and propellant. ExoTerra provides detailed interface documentation and requirements for each component, allowing customers to determine where each best fits in their spacecraft. ExoTerra can also offer guidance on the design of harnessing and piping between components.
Download the Propulsion Kit Spec Sheet